Colosseum Travel Blog

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Temple of Concord in Roman Forum

Temple of Concord In Rome: History Fact & Visiting Tips

Dedicated to the Roman goddess Concordia - more about her later - the Temple of Concord remains are worth a stop on any tour of the Roman Forum. Founded in the 4th century BC, there were several constructions over time of this impressive building. This interesting batch of monuments can be found in the Roman [...]

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Theatre of Marcellus in Rome

Theatre of Marcellus: The History Behind Teatro di Marcello

The Theatre of Marcellus - as it is known in Italian - is a site that can be visited in Rome. The brainchild of Julius Caesar, it was completed and inaugurated by Augustus in 12BC who named it after his nephew Marcellus. Marcellus was the rightful successor of Augustus, but he had died unexpectedly a [...]

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Basilica Ulpia Rome

Basilica Ulpia in Rome: History Facts & Tips for Visiting

The Basilica Ulpia was - despite its name - not a religious building. It was a center of business and commerce, to which many of the political functions also moved. Previously, they had been headquartered in the Roman Forum. The Basilica Ulpia Rome remained in use until the new Basilica of Maxentius was built in [...]

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Forum of Augustus in Rome

Forum of Augustus: Everything About Fascinating Ancient Forum

The ancient Roman Forum of Augustus was one of Rome’s imperial fora. Mostly built on parts of Augustus’ own land, the forum housed the Temple of Mars Ultor and various statues. It was also a place that held legal proceedings, especially as the Roman Forum became more and more crowded. Notable for its vast collection [...]

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The Temple of Saturn in Roman Forum

The Temple of Saturn In Rome: History Facts & Why Was the Temple Built

Consecrated in 498 BC, the construction of the Temple of Saturn is believed to be one of the oldest of such sacred structures in Rome. It is rumoured to have been built on an even older existing altar to Saturn that existed on the same spot. In order to honour the god Saturn - who [...]

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Esquiline Hill in Rome Italy

Esquiline Hill in Rome: Facts, History & Map

The Esquiline Hill in Rome - which itself contains three little peaks - the Cispian, the Oppian and the Fagutal - had originally been a poor area, and contained the cemetery for those who could not afford a proper burial. The Esquiline hill tombs or necropolis were in use until at least the first century [...]

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The Via Sacra in Rome

The Via Sacra In Rome: History & Places Every Tourist Want to See

The Via Sacra used to be the main road in Ancient Rome. Translating into English as the Sacred Way Rome, it was the centre of commercial and everyday life in the city. In this guide, we will explore its interesting history and uncover the comings and goings down the Via Sacra in Roman times. Let’s [...]

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Arch of Constantine monument

Arch of Constantine Rome: History, Sculptures & Tickets

The name of this arch - the Triumphal Arch of Constantine - might give away its purpose. It is a dedicated memorial to Constantine the Great, who was a Roman Emperor. In this guide, we will uncover all about the significance of this arch in Rome, as well as its history. The arch is worth [...]

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Ludus Magnus in Rome

Ludus Magnus Gladiator School in Ancient Rome

In the first century, the Emperor Domitian set up the biggest gladiator school and named it the Ludus Magnus. It served as a welcome centre for gladiators from all over the empire who would receive training as well as accommodation. Here, the gladiators would swot up on all the skills needed in preparation for the [...]

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Tips on What You Should Not Miss on Your First Trip to Rome

What You Should Not Miss on Your First Trip to Rome?

Traveling to Rome may be on your cards, but do you know how to do it right? You can choose to prepare a list of sites to visit or the things to do. Are you aware of the various aspects of Roman culture that you should be mindful of during your trip? Of course, you [...]

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