Colosseum Travel Blog

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palatine hill visit

How to visit Palatine Hill and its Gardens ?

Palatine Hill is one of the most talked about places in Rome, with amazing views and lots of history.  Whether you’re interested in visiting Palatine Hill and Gardens as a standalone attraction, or you’re wanting to combine it with a trip to the Colosseum or the Roman Forum, it’s definitely worth visiting. But if you [...]

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Where to buy Colosseum tickets ? Admission and Price

You want to know what is Colosseum tickets price ? Traveling to Rome and visiting the world wonder that is the Colosseum is an amazing experience, but it’s one that’s worth planning in advance. Just like any city, Rome is always bustling with people, and with the Colosseum being Italy’s most popular and most visited [...]

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Where is the Colosseum and How to Get there?

It is a common tourist question when visiting Rome the first time : where is the Colosseum located ? The Roman Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commissioned by Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD but was not completed until AD 80.  The Colosseum is located east of the Roman Forum and is 188m [...]

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Gladiators in Colosseum, know the History of the Roman’s Games

Since Ben-Hur movie everybody loves a good story about gladiators in Colosseum. The origin of the gladiatorial games is still a matter of debate amongst historians. Many believe the concept is descended from the Etruscan custom of making human sacrifices to celebrate the death of a nobleman. Let's check the facts and learn more about [...]

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