Roman Forum

Skip the line tickets Roman Forum

roman forum entrance header

How to visit Roman Forum ? Skip the line Tickets, Hours and Entrance Location

Curious about how to get into the Roman Forum, how to buy Roman Forum tickets and what awaits you there? This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about exploring the iconic Roman Forum in Rome. Discover the Roman Forum's exact location, where to enter Roman Forum, updated visiting hours, and the fastest transport [...]

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Curia Julia building

The Curia Julia: All about Ancient Roman Senate Building

The Curia Julia is one of the oldest senates, or โ€œsenate houses'' - known as a Curia in ancient Rome. It is the third such construction of a senate, commissioned by Julius Caesar in 44BC. It replaced the second senate - the Curia Cornelia - and construction was completed after Julius Caesar was killed. It [...]

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The Lapis Niger information

Visit Black Stone Forum Rome: The Lapis Niger

In Ancient Rome, the open air meeting space was known as the Comitium. Here, voting was done and assemblies met to discuss the business of the day. This was the place where decisions were made! The Lapis Niger was a shrine within the Comitium. It is one of the only surviving parts of the structure, [...]

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Basilica of Maxentius in Rome

Basilica of Maxentius in Rome: Tickets, History & Reconstruction

The Roman Forumโ€™s largest building was the Maxentius Basilica. Located along the Via Sacra - the main thoroughfare of the Roman Forum - the building turned heads. Its design and features became the base for painters, designers, architects and builders for centuries after its construction in 312 AD. The Maxentius Basilica ancient Rome was the [...]

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Vesta Temple reconstruction plan

Temple of Vesta Inside Look, Location & History Facts

Vesta was goddess of the home and family, and the Temple of Vesta, Tivoli, was a structure honoring her. Amongst the greek inspired columns, the sacred fire of Vesta burned. Itโ€™s noted for its unique circular shape and can be found within the confines of the Roman Forum. Read on to find out more about [...]

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