Things to do

Mouth of Truth legend

Mouth of Truth: All About Famous Mask of Truth in Rome

You may have heard of the Mouth of Truth already given its fame in the old movie Roman Holiday starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. Here you can find out all there is to know about it so that you can impress your travel buddies with your knowledge. What is the Mouth of Truth Rome? [...]

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Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano Rome

Basilica of Saint John: All About San Giovanni in Laterano

Completed in 324 AD the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano attracts attention especially for its beautiful cloister. You may also not know that it is here - NOT St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican - that is the official seat of the Pope! The History of Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano The ancient [...]

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Baths of Trajan from

Baths of Trajan in Rome: Trajan Baths Visiting Tips & Map

These glorious thermal baths are a great attraction to visit when in Rome. The ancient Roman Baths of Trajan were built in 109 AD and get their name from the Emperor Trajan. In fact, they are dedicated to him. Like all Thermae back in the day this thermal spa was an important social meeting point [...]

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Roman Arch of Titus

Roman Arch of Titus Tour, Architecture & Ticket Information

It’s not the Arc de Triomphe. But it does kinda look like it to the untrained eye. The Arch of Titus was built in the first century AD and is dedicated to Titus. The brother of Domitian, Titus received the Arch posthumously in recognition of his wins in battle. In 71AD a military campaign sacked [...]

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Ouside look of bulding

Public baths in ancient Rome – The Baths of Diocletian

These former public baths were named after the Roman Emperor Diocletian, and are located within Rome. Construction started in 298 AD and was finished in 8 years. Known for being ancient Rome’s biggest baths of their kind, the brick and marble structure is a sight to behold. They served the local community for relaxation, socialising [...]

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Mamertine prison facts

The Mamertine Prison in Rome – Tickets, Location & History

Ever wondered what it was like to be held in an ancient Roman prison? This guide provides all the essential information you need for visiting the Mamertine Prison in Rome. Discover the Mamertine prison location on Capitoline Hill, find out the opening hours, learn how to get there from the city center, and get details [...]

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